Solar Oven Science Fair Projects for 7th Grade You Should Try

This post will share science fair projects for 7th grade about the energy transformations. We know that the energy can’t be built nor destroyed. It just only transforms from some form into another form. There are many methods for energy to be replaced. This project is about proving that energy can be transformed and used on the other material. It’s called as DIY solar power for your oven. It can be fun activity. You will see on how amazing this project leads you to get your own heater. Of course, there are several preparations that you should take concern. Let’s check it out!

Science Fair Projects for 7th Grade

Get Started on Science Fair Projects for 7th Grade Preparation

These following materials are needed to start the solar power science fair projects for 7th grade. You can find it easily around your environment:

Clear type of tape
Scissor or box cutter
Aluminum foil
Black construction paper
Plastic wrap
Oven mitt
Cardboard pizza box
Cooking Ingredients

Start preparing the cardboard pizza box. Make sure it has cleaned properly. Now you have to draw a small square (at about one inch) from the edges on the top of box. Draw each squares on each box edges. Now you have to cut out the three of four squares. Stand up this flap and grab the aluminum foil. You can stick the aluminum with the tape. Now, get your black construction paper and put it as the bottom layer on the pizza box.

The next thing you have to do is by cutting plastic wrap and start sticking it around the edge of aluminum foil on top of the pizza box. After you have done this, then just continue to stuff the sides of pizza box by using rolled newspaper. All done! Now you can start cooking. You just need to put the dish on the black construction paper layered box. The best time for cooking is around 11-12 AM right on the exposed sunlight. It must be excellent science fair projects for 7th grade, isn’t it?

Well, the main principle about this project is by transforming the energy into useful material that can be used to heat the ingredients. You also can see that the aluminum foil has its good design for reflecting the sun light. The black paper construction has dark color. As we know, the dark color absorbs more light and turns it into heat energy. Let’s try these science fair projects for 7th grade and have fun.

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