Cool Examples of Scientific Method Activities for Kids

Dealing with some cool examples of scientific method give so much fun for both parents and kids. Kids are so curious with their surroundings. To feed their curiosity, they like to explore their surroundings. They will explore anything, even sometimes it leads them to a dangerous situation. Science activities comes to introduce kids some cool science experiments. It introduces them with some phenomena along with its explanation. It also requires their participation that lead kids to figure out themselves relating to the activities. Meanwhile, science activities let parents to have more quality time with their kids with more quality activities. In general, there are some types of science activities kids and parents can do. Here are some of them that may inspire parents to have some fun with their kids. Let’s get started.

Examples of Scientific Method

Chemistry Scientific Method Activities

Playing is the best way for learning. It appears that science activity offers cool and fun way from both playing and learning. There are some types of examples of scientific method activities. The first one is chemistry scientific method activity. Such activity leads kids and parents to have fun from some fabulous simple chemistry reaction. Chemistry reactions actually happen in our daily life. We can take from those chemistry reactions to learn have some fun. For instance, firework liquid reaction, such reaction is inspired from the different density between oil and water that cannot be mixed. Besides, Mentos lava reaction is also another cool chemistry reaction.

Examples of Scientific Method Activities

Physic Scientific Method Activities

Physical phenomena also happen surround us. Physic phenomena widely happen in our daily life every time. Your kids may not realize them yet. Parents can show some physic phenomena to guide their kids to learn some new cool knowledge. For instance, playing basketball is the simplest one. Basketball works following the third Newton law. It is about impulse and momentum stating that every action will have the equal reaction. You can also explain about water power while swimming that water will always push objects to the surface. Basically, there are many phenomena you can dig out to let your kids learn about new cool knowledge. Thus, by doing some cool examples of scientific method your time with your kids will be more quality.
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